If someone told me ten years ago that I would write and publish a book, I would have thanked them for a good laugh. If they told me that the book would get 5-star reviews on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, from people who didn’t owe me anything or know me for that matter, I would simply refuse to believe them. Yet, today I would have to humbly admit that they were right.

“Helix Mysteries: The First Change,” my first full-length novel, started out as a simple story. Frankly, it was just an idea for a video game. I was so busy with all of life’s challenges back then, that I completely forgot about it. For almost five years the book was little more than the first chapter of a story with no end, or middle for that matter.

However, something compelled me to write. I started what I thought was a completely new story. Only to find that I already had a five-year-old document, with the same name. Crazier than that, it was almost the same idea. So, I took to writing. Learned about publishing, cover design, ISBN numbers, and everything else that goes into launching a book.

I did not have the budget to hire an editor, nor the desire to submit the manuscript to big-name publishers. They take years to print new books and would have likely told me to change half the story. All in the name of catering to the whims of today’s audiences. So, after almost two years of editing, gathering constructive feedback, and racking my brain on what the cover should look like, I finally published.

Helix Mysteries hasn’t sold tens of thousands of copies. Nor are there millions of die-hard fans hanging on my every social media post. What it has done, is taught me an invaluable lesson – If you are truly passionate about something, pursue it. It doesn’t matter if it takes you 10 years. The feeling you experience when you get to hold the fruition of those efforts in your hand is unlike anything else.

I am overjoyed and humbled by the fact that those who have read the book genuinely enjoyed it. Some even took the time to write a review. However, that first book was something I wrote for myself. Something to show me that I was capable.


Daniel Castlewrite

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